
Thursday, November 8, 2007

Sweet Baby Gillian Turns a Corner

Just a note about our sweet baby girl. I have been loving seeing certain differences between gillian and her brothers. One thing I was really excited about was her incredible calmness and peacefulness. I have been thinking how much easier in some ways that gillian has been for us......well that is until yesterday. Right in the middle of Cameron's doctor appt. gillian decided for whatever reason that she was done waiting in that room and threw herself down on the floor kicking and screaming. I tried to pick her up, change the subject, give her a toy and she wouldn't stop. I had to take her to the car with Cam and go back and finish getting the paperwork together for the hospital. Then she stated again this morning over a ponytail holder that she wanted to put in her mouth. So now I know that I am not going to escape the dreaded temper tantrums that we experienced with 1 or 2 of our other boys and I feel a little let down. I guess if I were to glide thru this next few months with gillian she wouldn't really be a Yentes. All of our boys have been inquizative, active and social.......Always wanting to try something new and be where all the action was. Gillian is no different. She stands at the back door and beats on it saying, "out", or "dog" or "shoes" which all means "let me out of here." She climbs like a monkey all over the chairs, tables and couches. Most of our furniture is sitting on the back patio or in the garage. We have a hard time keeping her out of things too. The few cupboards that we can't put locks on never, ever go unnoticed by her. Toys aren't that impressive to her anymore she wants to be on the trampoline or chasing the dog instead. The question becomes, "Can Mom and Dad make it thru this one last time?" Our sweet little baby girl is now our sweet little mischevious monkey. She has turned a corner indeed.

1 comment:

{priscilla} said...

I know what you mean....everyone says "Girls are so different than boys", but the tantrums are still the same! I love all my kids the same...but her and I have a different bond. She is so much sweeter in her words, in the way she plays, almost everything she does is sweeter. My boys have a sweetness too but....it's just a more masculent (sp?) sweetness :)

Miss Gillian's Ever Growing Word and Sentence List

  • "growl"
  • Baby
  • Ball
  • Book
  • cowboy
  • Dada
  • Dog dog
  • Hi there.
  • I want out
  • I want that on.
  • I want that.
  • Mama
  • me me
  • My car.
  • No, no, no, no
  • Out
  • Pants
  • pretty
  • princess
  • Rett (Garrett)
  • Rrarlee (Carlee the dog)
  • Shoes
  • Thank you
  • That
  • tiger
  • Up
  • What's that?